Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Kenya you don't know!

Wright Safaris is committed to sharing positive images and stories about Kenya.

"The Kenya you don't know"gives you an idea of what the local people do in in their day to day activities.

what the locals do for work
Lawyers, Professors, Politician , Firefighters, Doctors, Nurses, Engineers, Bankers and Bank Tellers, Teachers, Sales Managers, Architects, Secretaries, Program Coordinators, Hair Stylists, Business Owners, Farmers, Agricultarist, Restaurant Owner, Waiters, and more..... The country has to run right?

Where locals get services
Money? Banks, Forex Bureau
Sick? Hospitals, Clinics
Education? Kindergarten, Primary, Secondary/ High Schools, Colleges, Universities
Food? Farms, Supermarkets, Local Garden, Restaurant, Hotel
Cars? Car Dealers, Classifieds
Car Repair? Auto Shops/ Car Repair
Gas? Petrol/ Gas Stations
Medicine? Pharmacies, Clinic, Hospitals
Hair? Hair Salon and Barber Shop
Transport? Taxi, Matatu, Bus, Car Rental
Cell Phones? Cell phone provider
Clothes? Shops, Boutiques
TV? Local or Cable subscription
Radio? Local
Books? Bookstore
Insurance? Insurance providers
Houses? For rent, for purchase advertised
Photos? Photo Studios, Photographer
Internet? cybercafes, home, offices
and more......

what the people do on Saturdays

go shopping at the supermarket
take the kids out
go out and meet friends
attend a wedding
go upcountry to visit the family
spend sometime in the garden
and more.....

what the people do on Sundays
go to church
hang out with family
relax at home
read the Sunday paper
and more.....

what children do on a daily basis
go to school
play with friends
read books
eat lunch at school
eat dinner with their families
and more.....

where people work
at banks
in hospitals
in offices
at restaurants
at home
in schools
and more......

where people get their food
in their gardens
at the market
at the supermarket
at kiosks
and more......

where people go to have fun
the park
the restaurant
the club
the garden
the movies
the soccer game
a friend's place
the families
and more......

what events take place
Family get together
Birthday parties
Market days
Evangelical crusades
Religious events
Agricultural show
Car show
and more.....

what holidays to the people enjoy
most people get these days off and relax at home with family, go out for a treat or watch TV.
New Year's Day
Easter Holiday - Good Friday, the weekend and Easter Monday - 4 solid days
Madaraka Day ( June 1st, 1963)
Kenyatta Day ( October 20th)
Jamuhuri Day ( Dec 12th, 1963) Kenya gained independence from Britain
Christmas (25th December)
New Years (26th December)
and more......

what people do on Christmas Holiday - typically shops and offices shut down for about two weeks in December and about one week on the New Year
Have a feast - huge dinner with family on Christmas Day.
Relax on Boxing day with family and friends
and more.....

what do the kids when on a school break - School Holidays are in the entire months of April, August and December
borrow and read books from the libraries
tend to a garden
work the farm
visit with friends
watch movies
play games
and more......

If you have anything you wish us to add, please let us know.

Travelling to Kenya

Things you need to know before traveling to Kenya:

What you need to carry:
Before you leave home: You will need:
  • Passport
  • Visa
  • Money
  • Clothes
  • Vaccinations.
  • You may need wide beamed hat, sunscreen, mosquito repellant, flash light, medical kit for emergency situations. Don't worry much though, you can get the basic stuff at a local supermarket.

    220/240v if using an electric appliance like a hair dryer, shaver, i-pod or cell-phone use an appliance adapter and a 3 point square available at Walmart, Radio shack and airports, and local supermarkets.

    Kenya the country:

    A Beautiful country! Independent and sovereign
    Kenya is a former British colony. (1920-1963). It has a lot of British influence

    Location: Eastern part of Africa, off the coast of Indian Ocean.

    Neighboring countries: North- Sudan, South- Tanzania, North East- Somalia , East, Indian Ocean, West Uganda and Lake Victoria.

    Size: 586,600km sq.

    Population: 30 million

    Languages: English and Kiswahili are the official languages.
    Religion:Christianity with various denominations. Baptist, Anglican, Protestant, Catholic.
    Islam.You will find Churches, Mosques and other religious centers.

    The major cities are Nairobi, the capital city, Mombasa, Kisumu, Nakuru and Naivasha

Local airports :Wilson Airport, Eldoret airport and Kisumu Airport

Arrival: International Airports:
Jomo Kenyatta International Airport- Nairobi and Moi International Airport- Mombasa
Local airlines provide air services within the country. 45 minute flight from Nairobi to Mombasa or Kisumu
Other transport: taxi/cab, matatu, bus, car/van rentals.

Climate and weather:

Temperate weather mostly comfortable
No winters or summers, just like spring or fall
Rainy season April/May and October/November
Coastal region: warm and humid
Highlands: cool and humid
North/ North East: hot and dry

Male: Formal occasions: Shirt, tie, dress suit, belt, shoes and socks. For casual occasions full pants or jeans, casual shirt, casual jacket, sweater, sweatshirt.

Female: Formal occasions: skirt suit or pant suit with blouse, dress with jacket and shoes. Casual occasions: blouse, tee, skirt, dress, pants, jeans, sweater, sweatshirt, jacket.

Church attendance, eating out or going out is considered a formal occasion. People generally dress up. Older people typically dress formal. Younger people however dress casual.

At the coast you find towns like Mombasa, Malindi and Lamu. These areas and the south coast the weather is warmer. Remember that while on the beach and at the hotels/resorts, it is okay to wear shorts, tees, slippers (flip flops) swim suits and tie ups. Cover up if leaving the hotel.

Currency: Kenya Shilling. The exchange rate varies. Check out the yahoo-finance for exchange rate information. Range between $1= Ksh 67-80 (depending on the economy)

Forex Bureaus are available for currency exchange. It is advised that you carry little cash ( small denominations) and the rest of your money in travelers cheques. Forex Bureaus can be found at hotels, shopping areas. Banks also have foreign currency counters.

Public display of money is not advised. Wallets, handbags and valuables should not be in sight.

Depends on your budget and your personal interests
Hotels/Resorts/Safari Lodges Different star ratings and in various locations, full or half board
(breakfast, lunch or dinner included). Hotel rates vary with each hotel or resort.
Camping - private camps offer fully furnished tents and related amenities available
Look out for beautiful traditional art and decor.

Amenities: Rooms with shower, bath tub, toilet, restaurants and pubs, swimming pools, spas, gyms, shuttle service to and from tour sites.

Eating out: Most hotels have restaurants. To experience local tastes, go to the privately owned mom and pops restaurants. Food is served buffet style or a la carte.

Cuisine: Local Kenyan and English
Other: Japanese, Chinese, Indian, Ethiopian, Italian, German.

Food you will find:

Chips (fries) and sausage or humburger, fruit salad (delicate mix of local fresh fruit), Rice and beef stew, fried fish or fried chicken, mukimo (mashed corn, peas or kale and potatoes), mashed potatoes, soups ( tomatoe, pumpkin, carrot).

Food you must try:
  • chapati (tortilla like)
  • samosa (spicy ground beef bound in pastry)
  • meat pie (beef in pastry)
  • kidney pie ( kidney in pastry)
  • mandazi ( a bit like a donut)
  • mutura (local sausage)
  • ugali (white corn bread)
  • porridge (brown or white malt o meal)

Drinks you must try
fresh orange, passion and pineapple juices

Where to go for a local experience:

  • visit a school (the children will sing and dance for you)
  • visit a game park (see the animals in the wild),
  • beach ( enjoy the ocean and white sand)
  • visit local tea and coffee farms (and buy some coffee and tea)
  • go to local market ( buy fresh fruits and vegetables)
  • maasai Market (buy some gifts for your family)
  • attend a wedding
  • stay with a family for a night or two

Major movie theaters show the latest movies and can be found downtown Nairobi at Kenya cinema, Nairobi cinema 20th Century, Sarit Center, Westlands, Village Market, Gigiri, Nairobi cinema,

Shopping and Entertainment
City shops
Nairobi offers great mall experiences at: Village Market- Gigiri has an outdoor food court
Sarit Center-Westlands has an in door food court, The Mall- Westlands

Nakumatt and Uchumi- carry typical supermarket products
Kiosks can be found in most neighbourhoods (Estates). They sell basic items and in smaller proportions.

Souvenior shopping
Maasai market is very popular. Locally made items known as Curios,(wood and statue carvings), batiks, belts, key rings, art work, sandals and clothing are sold at good prices.

24 hour radio
Radio shows you might hear: Capital FM,

local channels, cable
News broadcasts in English and Kiswahili
TV shows you might see: 24, Desparate Housewives, Prison Break, Days of our lives, Oprah

Local: Daily Nation, East African Standard, Kenya Leo, Taifa Leo
International newspapers can be found at a local newpaper stall
Local magazines as well as magazines from Europe and America can be found at local magazine stands

Internet cafes can be found all over the city. It costs about 1 kshs / minute
Hotels offer business centers with internet access.

Cell-phones are cheap and can be bought in any supermarket and cell-phone company outlet:
Phone credit can be purchased for as little as Ksh250 (under $4.00)
Calling Kenya: 011254 + your local number cell phone ( 0722-xyz-abc) 011-254-722-xyz-abc
Calling from Kenya remember to put in your international country code
Post Office
You can mail letters, postcards and parcels at any Post Office to any country in the world.

The night scene
Clubs are popular, restaurants open late. Always make sure you have a taxi to get you to your hotel.

Words you might want to know
English words with different meaning
Soda - pop/soda
Boot- trunk
House- apartment, townhouse, bungalow
Chips- Fries
Biscuit- cookie
Petrol- Gas
Petrol station- Gas station
Brolley- Umbrella

Kiswahili words commonly used
Sasa! Hi
Ndiyo! Yes
Hapana! No
Sina pesa! I don’t have money
Jina Langu ni Bob . My Name is Bob
Unaitwa nani? What is your name
Busi- Bus Gari- Car
Numbari - number
Chakula- food

Employers. Government, Banks, City Council, Insurance companies, Accounting firms, Private law firms, Medical Institutions, Research, Mortgage companies, Universities, Restaurants, Schools, Hospitals, NGO (non for profit),Churches, News, Radio and TV companies etc

Industries: Farming, Tourism, Finance, Education, Medical, Transport, Sport, Retail, Manufacturing, Housing development, Food and Entertainment, Media and Communication

Embassies: Most countries have an embassy or consulate in Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya